
Wednesday 11 November 2009


Hello there.
With no updates for two months, I think I should tell you what I am up to.

A few things have changed since I came over here, and it's quite heard to know where to start.
To be honest, if it was up to me, I would have packed my bags and gone back to UK ages ago, as it's been quite tough.

It seems the church hadn't checked with the denomination(Kassui no Mure) about having me work at there church, and it was presented to the counsel a week after I arrived. On hearing about me, the denomination requested that I study at there Bible College for 18 month before I work with the church. As the church counsel wont to get to know me and work with me, my placement during the course will be at Hiratsuka church.

The denomination and the church combined together will provide a flat for a small fee, and monthly allowance and free tuition. Once the 18 month is over, the denomination will accept me as a worker.

At first when I heard this I was taken aback as it was quite different to what I had expected. But as I was feeling a “Cultural Shock” especially with the difference between British and Japanese churches, I felt it will be a good time of preparation, and therefore I have taken up the offer to study there for this period.

Many of the subjects I will be studying, I have already studied at the Faith Mission, but it will be beneficial simply because I will get to learn the difference caused by the Cultural difference, and hopefully get to know the Japanese perspective to different matters.

As I came here with hope to do mission work, the 18 month wait is quite disappointing, but I hope I will have the opportunity to help the church during this period too.

As for the actual mission work, I am involved in a Children's club held every other Saturday, youth group once a month, a bible study group every Tuesday and attending prayer meetings on Wednesday and church on Sunday.

Monday is my day off, which I use for house work and relaxation, while the other days are quite busy.

Now that I can update from my phone, I hope to upload photos with short messages every now and then!

Thank you again for your prayers, I truly need them, and feel I need them now, more than ever before.

In Him


Tuesday 10 November 2009


Testing upload from mobile with a photo of today lunch.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Finally here!!

Strapped myself in my seat, waiting for take-off at Heathrow, there was one simple thought on my mind, which was “I wonder what I will think as I arrive in Japan”
after all, in nearly every Biography of a missionary you read of the first thoughts of the missionaries.

As the plain started to move, as it took off, I said my farewell to Britain.
“well, I guess I won't be treading on British soil for a long time...” with that the desire to pray for the salvation of UK, and a revival of the church came upon me, so as the plane took off, I prayed for the land I was leaving.

11 hours later, the plain was about to arrive in Narita Airport, and there I was excited and expectant...
“what are my thoughts gonna be!?” ...and yet there was non. Kind of a anti-climax I guess, but I didn't feel anything :)

the weather-forecast said that we had a Typhoon on the way, I was excited, what a great way to start my new life in Japan! It was humid, but not hot. With a kind of cool breeze....

it was 9pm Japan time that I finally arrived in the church, which is 1pm UK time.
Oh, boy... I'm still straggling with Jet lag... I'm sleepy during the day, but can't sleep at night.
Hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow, as the conference will be starting... and I don't want the first impression being “He falls a sleep during every single sermon”... ;)

well other than that, I will like to ask you to pray for a few things.

1)Part time Job
I want to get involved as much as possible with the church, and yet need to pay to keep alive, so I am looking for a job where I can get good money in little time. Please pray that I might find a suitable job.

the plan of living at the training house has fallen through, as there are two single ladies living there, and it is not appropriate for a single man to live there also. So, free accommodation has gone out of the window, and I have to find a place to live. Please pray that a cheap place in a suitable location might be found. And all paperwork to go smoothly.

3)Desk Work
I am also trying to sort out my paperworks etc, like National Insurance, Opening an Account and stuff... please pray that the desk jobs might finish swiftly!

Here are two video's!

One – My Journey to Japan

Two – Coffee Vending machine...

Friday 28 August 2009

All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go...

Well, the day is finally nearing!!

I am currently on the train heading for London, as I will be flying to Japan tomorrow!
The flight will leave at 7 in the evening from Heathrow and I will arrive in Narita airport at 3pm on Sunday.

The Summer was a really blessed time, being able to spend time with family, and also seeing the Lord at work in different peoples lives.

The Three conferences I attended and took part in were great, it was great to see people challenged to a deeper walk with the Lord, and seeing young Japanese people so on fire for the Lord was nothing but a blessing. One guy has contacted me and told me he believes he is called to full time Christian ministry and is currently praying for guidance. Please pray that the Lord might open the right doors for him.

The outreach with EJC(Edinburgh Japanese Church) was also good, though some events we had no non-believers turn up! I truly enjoyed the fellowship with the Faith Mission Bible College students, and thank them for the team work they offered. Please do remember the students at FMBC, that they might continue to be prepared for the mission that awaits them.

Please also remember Steve, who we met on the streets while doing openairs. He is an alcoholic and a beggar, who was desperately seeking love and hope, and knows of his sinfulness, so please pray that he might come to the Lord in repentance and faith.

One of the first things to do once I get to Japan is to attend the Conference of the Bible college I will be attending, which is from 2nd of September. Other than that, I will need to get unpacked, find a part time job for support, and do some paper works!

I guess that's all for now, and next time, I will report from Japan!!

Monday 10 August 2009

Akvaariokalojen ruokaa

Currently I am in Helsinki, resting and recovering from the 26th European Japanese Christian Conference which was held at “Jarvenpaa Seurakuuta Opisto”.

There were around 250 Japanese people and I was involved in the Youth meetings and Teens meetings.

I was really encouraged as I saw young Japanese people nodding there heads in heartfelt agreement as I shared my burden and the need of “all hands on deck evangelism”. There was such a big percentage of people who were overwhelming with love for the lord and passion for the lost.
I thank the Lord for Ms Kuroda who spoke at all the Youth meetings and how He chose to move in the way he did. Please pray that He might use these guys in there workplaces, colleges, homes and if He wills it that He might call some into full time Christian ministry.

The Teens meetings were also great, being able to talk openly of the need of salvation, and hearing from them, that they see the need for forgiveness, and that they believe only Christ can cleanse them.
Please do pray that these youngsters might make that decision to accept Christ as saviour and follow Him for the rest of their lives.

I was also truly blessed to work alongside those who were so on fire for the Lord.
At one point I asked one of the guys if he will like to keep in touch to encourage one another as “brothers in arms” as we can be so week at times, and I thought the fellowship will be valuable. But as the week progressed, we realised there were so many more, who shared the same vision and passion. We didn't want to make the group too big, so we stopped at 8 people. All Japanese guys, with a desire to be used for the Glory of God and the salvation of Japan. Please do pray, that as we start keeping in touch, that we might truly bond through Christ and become a great network of Friends who can help one another in the Lord.

Well, that's a quick report from Finland!!

Oh, boy! I am so excited to go to Japan! I don't know what his plans are, but I believe He has great plans for Himself and Japan, and I thank Him I can have a part in it.

PS: I learnt to sentences in Finish, and one of them is on the title! It means “food for the fish in the tank” which is what my host call Japanese food :D and therefore I thought it truly describes the strange mix of Finland and Japan :)

Tuesday 28 July 2009


I can't believe it's been more than three weeks since my last entry!!
time truly flies doesn't it!!... or should I say sorry for not posting any updates!!

well lot's of things have happened in the last two weeks.
I attended the JCL(Japan Christian Link) conference at Gloucester, went to Devon to see my Grandmother, went to London where I met a few people and spoke at ECCJ(Ealing Christian Centre Japanese Fellowship), then to Stafford to see a relative.

Now I am on my way back to Edinburgh to continue helping EJC (Edinburgh Japanese Church) with there summer outreach with Faith Mission.

The JCL conference was held at Red-cliff college over a weekend, with Rev Kawamura who is a Pastor from JEB (Japan Evangelistic Band) and Hugh Brown a JCL/JEB Missionary as the main speakers. It was a time of real blessing, being to hear advice and first hand experience from current and retired missionaries who served the Lord in Japan.
Also it was an encouragement to meet quite a few young people also burdened for the furtherance of the Kingdom within Japan. If anyone is interested to find out more about Japan or the JCL weekend, I encourage you to go to the JCL web-page.

It was also good to see my Grandmother, as I wont be able to see her for a while once I go to Japan. It hasn't been long since my grandfather past away so please remember in your prayers.

I won't go into detail about all the people I met n London, but let me just say there are four Japanese Churches in London, so if you know of any Japanese going to London, feel free to recommend one of these churches. There is the Emanuel Church Japanese Worship who are in Wimbledon, there's ECCJ who are in Acton, St Barnabas Japanese Worship in Fincheley and last but not least the Japanese Christian Fellowship (JCF) who meet at the city centre.

One I return to Edinburgh I will be rejoining the team consisting of three Faith Mission Bible College Students, My Mother and Rev Park (EJC Pastor) to help in the summer mission.
We will have a few special events, so please pray for each of these, and if you live in Edinburgh, maybe you can come along with a friend who is not yet a believer. For more details on the events please check this link below.

Thanks again for your interest in me, I am truly grateful for all of your prayers!

PS: hope you enjoy the video consisting of few clips from the past two weeks or so.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

7th July 2009

Well, the Edinburgh Convention has finally finished!
Though it was a busy week, I have to say I really enjoyed the week.

It was great to be involved at Rejuvenate.
There were activities and an evening meeting everyday.
Michael Ots who spoke at most meetings was great, if you have a youth event coming up, I strongly recommend him. Bill Bygroves, one of the speakers from the Main meeting also spoke one night, and that was very good to.
I pray that those who attended weren't just challenged or blessed, but that by hearing those messages, they might be changed.

The main meetings were also a blessing. Where I learnt many things from the bible, encouraged and challenged, and also refreshed.

Also, my mother and I were given the opportunity to speak of Japan at one of the meetings, and I was encouraged by those who told my that they will remember me in prayer, and took my Prayer Card.
If any one requires more cards, please feel free to contact me and I will send you as many as you like.

It has also been great catching up with Faith Mission folk, and getting to know new Faith Mission people. I want to thank you all for the great fellowship.

Through the convention, I feel I have gained a renewed vision for my upcoming ministry, and am even more excited of going to Japan.

I also have news that I have now been officially accepted by the JCL, and I will like to thank you for praying that this might come through.

EJC(Edinburgh Japanese Church) and I with the help of some FM students will be starting a outreach campaign from tomorrow, which will last the whole summer.
Please pray for:
Unity within the team,
Blessings during prayer times,
Fruit in the outreach (new contacts, new hunger in seekers, conversions)

Thank you again for all your prayers.


Monday 29 June 2009

Edinburgh Convention - Setting Up

Hi ya,

Today's the day before the Edinburgh Convention and Rejuvinate:D

as you can see from the video, we will be staying in tents (just the 16 - 25yrs)
andthere will be some soft seets at the meeting place!!

the vids of the first meeting will be on here tommorow...

please pray the guys atteinding might really hear a message from the Lord, and be challenged and motivated, and not onkly that but be made new:)



Saturday 27 June 2009

Prayer Letter issue 001

Helloe again,

The FM College is getting crowded as the workers arived today.

it was real nice to see some guys I studied with, and I am truly looking forward to this coming week!! have the camera on charge, so we can take some good videos!!

oh, yeah, the important part:D
I've written my first Prayer letter so please download it and read it!!
it has my plans for the next two monthes and some insight to what I'll be doing in Japan!

well, that's all for now!!

Download Prayer Letter issue no 001

Thursday 25 June 2009

to New Castle

Hello there.
Here's a video from today!! we (People from Edinburgh Japanese Church and I) went to New Castle to fellowship with some ladies who live there.

You might think we just ate and had a walk, but we did have a good time singing praises, studying the Bible and praying too! (I just was too “into it” to film it...)

Rev Park of EJC spoke from Hebrews 9:22-28, on the sufficiency of the cross.
He had an interesting illustration about the “Butterfly Effect” which is when a small thing like a butterfly flapping it wings in China can cause a chain effect which ultimately causes a big twister in America. He used this as an opener relating it to Adam's small Sin which lead to our helpless situation, and to Christ's (second Adam's) action on the Cross, which then looked as though a insignificant thing, yet even has an affect on our lives, present and eternal.

Listening to this I was thinking of all my small actions, and I guess I can central the outcome of all that I do. It can turn out good, or cause ciaos, and yet, I know the One, who is in total control of all things, and He will make all things turn out to the good for those who follow Him.

My desire in life is to be used for God's glory, and I cannot do this by my might nor by any of my means, all I can do is to totally rely on Him.
Here's a video on chain reactions from Japan!!

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Plans For the next two months

Hi, here are my current updates.
(watch the video for details!! sorry it's so long... pray I'll become a better speaker... lol)

for the past week I have been preparing this blog and my prayer card.
they are finally ready, so guess I need to write and film more content!!

as for what I'm up to....

Outreach with Edinburgh Japanese Church (
-Street Out reach
two weeks of Street Evangelism! trying out different things. video will follow...
-Intenational Evants
3 nights in a row, with a week before it dedicated to preparation and advertising!
-International Cafe
3 or 4 days in the Cafe, from 2-4... will be on the streets in the morning inviting people!
if you are around edinburgh feel free to drop in!! it's at the FM Cafe.

Please pray for an encoureging time, where we see the Lord work in the hearts of the hearers!

-Faith Mission Edinburgh Convention 30 June - 5 July
-JCL Conference 16th July - 19th July
-Japanese Europe Summer Convention 4th Aug -9th Aug

I will be taking part in all in a some way or another, so please pray the lord my use me to speak to others!!


Tuesday 16 June 2009

Hello and welcome

Hi, I'm Tim Williams and you're at my Blog.

first of all let me just say thankyou for taking a look at this page!

here, I plan to keep all my friends and family updated with what I am upto, so you can pray for me. I will sometimes just type, but I hope most of the posts will be videos:)

There will be weekly updates and some other random ones here and there, still not sure how it'll tun out...

as for what I'm upto...

in mid August I will be returning to Japan to takeup a post as Evangelist / Youthworker at a Church in Kanagawa, while also studying at the biblecollege for 6 month. and am currently in the prosess of becomeing a JCL(Japan Christian Link) Mission Partner.

Up to then, I will be-
Helping at Conventions
Creating Various Web Pages
and speaking at a few churches
as for the rest of the time, I will be helping at the Edinburgh Japanese Church.

Things to Pray for are-
Preparation in General (going to Japan, preaching, organising for convention)
Meaningfull time spent with Family (please remember my non-believing extended family members)
Outreach in General (opotunities to chare to contacts, wisdom in how to share)
Protection (phisecal and spiritual)

more detailed posts will follow, but that all for now!!